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[Infographic] 3 Reasons your personalization campaigns aren’t clicking.

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Account-based marketing works. 84 percent of senior marketing leaders in B2B technology companies in our recent survey said they believe focusing on individuals, rather than personas, significantly improves effectiveness. Translating the ideas behind ABM and marketing personalization into practice brings its own set of challenges, however. In this infographic, we take a look at the three problems marketing leaders cited the most as reasons their personalization efforts struggledand how you can plan to avoid them in your own organization.

To learn more about the state of personalization, account-based marketing, and B2B marketing technology in general, download the report detailing our latest industry-wide survey. 

A purple and white graphic describing the three major reasons personalization campaigns don't work - you don't have the right content, you don't have the right tech stack, and you don't have the right brain power.



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