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[Infographic] 5 Lessons from developer marketing translated to ABM insights.

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Too often, account based marketing (ABM) initiatives continue to focus most of their efforts on decision-maker titles at the director level and above, leaving out other key members of the buying team. This means too many companies are missing out on opportunities that come from engaging practitioners who are actually heavily involved in seeking out, evaluating, recommending, and eventually implementing, solutions.

On the other hand, developer marketing recognizes just how important practitioner audiences are in the purchasing process. There is a lot to learn there about how to create a holistic journey, grounded in practitioner habits and needs. In this infographic, we’ve outlined five of these developer marketing lessons that can be applied broadly to ABM, regardless of whether your target audience consists of developers or other practitioner audiences.

Download our eBook, Five Lessons Developer Marketing Can Teach All ABMers, to learn more about implementing these insights into your ABM strategy.

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