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[Infographic] How to Improve ABM Sales Effectiveness

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Want to improve the effectivness of your account based marketing (ABM) program? One of the most impactful steps you can take is to increase alignment between sales and marketing functions.

We wanted to find out how high growth companies manage to achieve this alignment, so we surveyed sales and marketing decision-makers at some of the most successful B2B organizations.

Our research offers insight into how sales and marketing teams at these companies manage to work in lockstep, supporting and amplifying each other.

It also surfaced key areas where Sales and Marketing tend to need more support from one another. These are interlocks between teams that high-growth companies are optimizing to improve their sales effectiveness, and you can do the same in your organization. For more on these gaps, check out the infographic below, and dive into the full report to learn what Marketing and Sales need most from each other to improve sales effectiveness with ABM.

Diagram showing 4 key areas in which sales and marketing teams want to improve alignment for better ABM outcomes.

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