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Inside Iron Horse: Meet Nora Maus.

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Inside Iron Horse is our employee spotlight blog series that takes a look at the people that keep this agency and our clients moving and growing. Join us in celebrating these remarkable people as we dive into their passions, talents, and motivations.

March is here, and we’re lucky enough to introduce Nora Maus, Senior Demand Gen Manager/Eloqua Practice Lead, for our latest edition of Inside Iron Horse. Nora has graced our team with her strong work ethic, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills for six and half years. Starting back in 2015 as an Eloqua and demand gen specialist, Nora has grown and become a true leader at Iron Horse over the years. When she’s not in the office, Nora spends her time camping, reading, and cuddling with her two adorable cats.

Read on to learn more about Nora!



What 3 words would you use to describe Iron Horse?

Agile, Innovative, and Welcoming

What’s your favorite part about working at Iron Horse?

Really great people and a fast-paced environment.

What do you bring into every client relationship?

I bring a lot of attention to detail and I try not to pass up anything until it is completely finished and well done.

What’s your favorite new marketing trend?

Hybrid events because they will continue to evolve even while the pandemic is on the decline. After a couple of years of COVID people have found that they are just as productive at home, showing a reduction of in-person only conferences, which will also impact the environment and climate change by reducing travel.

What causes do you care about?

Animals and hunger causes. The newest cause I have become interested in is Be The Match, a national bone marrow donor program. I was on the registry for a couple of years and matched with a person battling Leukemia and ended up donating stem cells to that patient last month.

What book did you read last?

I just finished Black Cake as an audiobook and the last physical book was Honor.

If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Tacos because they are very versatile.

Most important question – does pineapple belong on pizza?



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